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Information for Authors

Ready to Submit

Aims and Scope


Advanced Dental Technology & Techniques is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original clinical research featuring advanced technology, informative case studies, innovative practice techniques, reviews of current state-of-the-art dental technology or techniques, and editorial commentary applicable to the purpose of advancing clinical dentistry. Much of what is published today in the realm of dental research is far removed from the practice of dentistry. This journal aims to provide clinically relevant research and timely practice information for all dentists who are earnestly looking for new ways to improve their patient outcomes.


This journal does not reject submissions due to editorial bias or because an author’s valid conclusions disagree with previously published results or traditionally taught dental concepts. Peer-review is double blinded to remove personalities from the process. Thus, we endeavor to provide a voice for those new ideas that have too often been excluded from the dental literature by opinionated editors and reviewers clinging to entrenched dental concepts.

Aims and Scope
Conflict of Interest

Disclosure of a possible conflict of interest

If you have no conflict of interest to declare, please state: The authors report no conflicts of interest. For Grant-funded papers, the grant number(s) should be included in the disclosure statement.


What constitutes a conflict of interest?

A conflict of interest can occur when you (or your employer or sponsor) have a financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationship with other organizations, or with the people working with them, that could influence your research.

Full disclosure is expected with the submission of your paper to this journal. The journal editors will use your information in making their editorial decisions. They may publish your disclosure to assist readers in evaluating the article. The editors may reject your article on the basis of any disclosed conflict.


Personal conflicts of interest

Potential conflicts of interest in relation to your submitted manuscript could include: Paid consultancies, stock or share ownership, fees and honoraria for lectures, product patents and royalties, employment by product manufacturer and grants. Describe any potential conflict of interest in a covering letter. Funding sources supporting your work should also be fully acknowledged.


Disclosure statement

You should also include a relevant disclosure statement within the text of your article, along with your informed consent statement and details of any funders.

When no disclosure is indicated we will publish the following statement: “No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.”


Article Processing Fee Structure


Open access publishing allows all readers to view and redistribute any article without any subscription via the internet. This allows new research and clinical methods to be distributed widely and rapidly with reduced cost. Advanced Dental Technologies & Techniques prints no issues on paper. All issues are published as PDF files ready for downloading from this website. Not printing on paper eliminates the major cost of publishing that is unnecessary in today’s internet-based world.


Each author makes a small contribution to the editorial costs of producing an article but does not have to give up their copyright to their article. Every published article is freely available to all interested readers and goes directly into the public domain. Everyone can print their own paper copies as needed.


Besides the following article processing fee, there are zero additional charges, page charges, or color charges. Fees are paid only after the review process and after conditional acceptance of the submission:


Accepted clinical research articles                          $250 (USD)

Accepted case studies                                              $290 (USD)

Reviews of technology and techniques                  $350 (USD)

Accepted editorial opinion pieces                           $390 (USD)


A waiver of the article processing fee may be given for submissions from countries with low incomes or for exceptionally well written and novel submissions. This is a decision of the Editorial Board and will be made on a case by case basis considering the quality and originality of the submission. All authors may request a fee waiver and state their reasons for making the request. Well written highly original articles promote the journal’s impact factor (visibility); which is a benefit to all authors.

Instruction for Authors

Instructions For Authors 2018


Instructions to ensure we receive everything needed for your manuscript to move smoothly through our double-blind peer review, production and publication process. Take your time reading these directions closely. This will ensure your manuscript meets our requirements. To facilitate the publication process, please review this web page carefully.

All of the information necessary to prepare and submit your manuscript are provided below.


Preparing Your Article For Submission


When submitting and article to AdvDentTech, prepare your transcript in English including; 1) an abstract of no more than 250 words summarizing the article (include briefly the objectives, methods, results and conclusions), 2) a clear statement of the objective(s), 3) the methods employed in the study or case, 4) a description of the results or outcome and 5) any inferences or conclusions warranted by the results. An abstract may also be included in the authors’ native language for possible inclusion with acceptance. Note: Abstracts of more than 250 words are often truncated by listing services such as PubMed.


AdvDentTech uses the standard format of the American Psychological Association's (APA) system for references.  For journal articles: Author, A. (publication year). Article title. Journal name, Volume(issue), pp. – pp.


Length of article
A typical paper for this journal should target about 8,000 words; including abstract, references, figure captions, footnotes, endnotes (if any), plus 4 tables and 4 figures. This is not a hard limit, but longer submissions will be reviewed with an eye to possible redundancies.  


Style guidelines

The APA link provided above also includes recommendations for style. This is not a requirement, but it is a good guideline for anyone submitting an article.


AdvDentTech uses American spelling rather than British whenever there is a difference.


Formatting & Templates


Please submit your article as a Word file (*.docx) with tables included in a separate section. Figures (photos, illustrations) should be submitted as high resolution *.tif files. This allows us to assist you technically in preparing your paper for publication. Figures should not be less than 600 X 400 pixels. We can adjust the resolution (DPI) at our end.  Photos should be sharp (not out of focus) and drawings professional. A simple graph conveys information better than one that is overly complicated. Tables should include only relevant categories.


Include The Following Items In Your Submission


Authors: List all authors’ full names, affiliations, email addresses on the title page. Identify one author as the corresponding author with a preferred email address.  


Disclosure statement: Provide acknowledgement of any financial or other interest that may be considered a conflict of interest in your research. Disclosure is for the purpose of making the readers aware, not grounds for rejection. The statement should be concise. For NIDCR and Wellcome-Trust funded papers include the grant number(s) in the disclosure statement. Acknowledge all sources of financial or other support.


Equations: Be sure that any mathematical equations are editable. The symbol font can be used with WORD for that purpose. A complex equation may be inserted as a high-resolution grey-scale image if necessary.


Figures: Illustrations should be of high quality. Figures should be supplied separately as *.TIF files with a minimum size of 600 x 400. Since all publications are electronic only, the journal can adjust the DPI resolution as needed.


Funding: Supply the details as required by your funding and grant-awarding agencies. If no funding was received a simple statement to that effect is sufficient.


Keywords: As many keywords as needed should be provided. None are required but defining words that some readers may not be familiar with helps them to follow your work. Keywords can be multiple words (e.g. Centric Occlusion, Jaw Tracking, etc.).


Tables: Tables should be included with the text. Using a spreadsheet to generate the table and copying it to the WORD file is recommended. Alternatively, a high-resolution grey-scale image submitted as a *.TIF file is acceptable.


Units. Standard SI units are preferred.


Including Material From Other Published Works In Your Paper


It is your responsibility to obtain the necessary permission to incorporate any material from a previously published work in your article. Text may be placed in quotes and acknowledged. For illustrations, figures, tables, etc., you must obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to review.


Clinical Trials Registry


In the case of a clinical trial, registration numbers should be in the abstract and the details of the registry described within the methods.


Complying With Ethics For Human Subjects


All submitted studies should declare if they have followed the guidelines of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki and whether their research has been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. When in vivo experiments or clinical trials on humans or animals have been included, a written statement is required in the Methods section. This should include a statement that the study was conducted after the formal approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). Authors who do not have a local IRB or formal ethics review committee should include a statement that their study follows the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.


Obtaining Consent


The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors requirements on privacy and informed consent from patients and study participants describes the process in detail. Every patient, subject or participant (or a person's parent or legal guardian if not an adult) must be included in the process of written consent. All need to be fully informed and give permission for you to the use their data anonymously within a publication. A statement to this effect is required within the submitted article.




Any hazards you encountered in carrying out your study should be fully described to appropriately warn any reader who may want to duplicate your work. Include all relevant safety precautions and cite any accepted standard or code of practice. Any medical device that has not yet been cleared by a regulatory body for the methods used in your submission should be described as investigational.


Article Submission


The submission process occurs entirely on the scholasticahq website. If this is your first submission to this journal, first create an account. Read the guidelines above and proceed.


Crossref™ may be used to screen papers for unoriginal material. When you submit your work to Adv Dent Tech you are agreeing to our processing, checking for plagiarism, peer-review and the publication of your work.


The Charge For Publication


There is no pre-publication fee prior to the acceptance of an article. See publication fees.


There is no charge for colored figures or any additional fees.


Copyright Options


You retain the Copyright to your original material. By submitting your article to Adv Dent Tech all authors agree to provide Adv Dent Tech with an unlimited license to the published the work.


Complying With Funding Agencies


Since Adv Dent Tech is Open Access, there are no special requirements for any National Institutes of Health or Wellcome Trust-funded papers.

© 2018 by Journal of Advanced Dental Technologies & Techniques

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